It’s almost time to vote again

To a great extent, people of the United States of America have learned the importance of democratic elections and how they can lead to the freedoms and ways of life they enjoy.

It is important to people of our state and country to exercise our rights to vote, which are not available in many countries. Here, it is one of our ultimate rights to choose who we want to lead and how we want them to lead.

And our work to choose the right leaders has not come to an end for the year. We have a runoff election coming up in Louisiana that will choose the next senator and congressman for many citizens here plus officials for several local offices.

It is a runoff election and therein lies a problem. After the main election is completed in which most of the winners are selected, candidates who did not gain a majority of the vote are still in the race in the runoff election.

Many voters get turned off when you tell them they should finish the job. Some get weary going through the selection process in the main election and decide they will take a rest next time.

That is an undemocratic way of thinking. If their vote was important in the main election, it is just as important in the runoff.

The runoff election will be Dec. 6 from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m.  Fortunately, citizens are not limited to one-day of voting for the runoff. Like the main election, absentee voting is available to those who choose to vote before election day. For more information on the election, see the story on page 2A.


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