St. Charles Herald-Guide is the community newspaper and official journal of St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. It has served the area since 1873 when started by former Governor Michael Hahn.
The Herald-Guide is a weekly print and digital newspaper, published on Thursdays. It is mailed to all areas of the parish.
It is also available in more than 80 newsstands at grocery stores, convenience stores, post offices, restaurants and other businesses throughout the area.
The Herald-Guide is published by Louisiana Publishing Inc. on U. S. Hwy. 90 in Boutte. The company also publishes two magazines — Louisiana Sportsman and Carolina Sportsman.
General Policy
All advertising insertions, orders, contracts and materials are subject to approval by publisher. No cancellation of space orders will be accepted after space closing deadline. Contracts with ad cancellations prior to completion will be short rated to the lowest earned rate. Rebate of credit earned by reaching a higher frequency discount level will be applied to the advertiser’s account. This credit may be carried forward into the next year’s advertising cycle. All contracts and insertion commitments must be made in writing: No verbal agreements will be honored.
Ad / workflow requirements
The Herald Guide utilizes an entirely digital workflow using Adobe InDesign (pagination & layout) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) for file submission. PDF/X-1a format is the required format for ad submission.
Required format for ADS
PDF/X-1a format is the required format for ad submission. All ads must be created to the exact size specifications listed on the rate card.
Total Ink Limits
Total ink limit for newsprint is 220%.
We are 100% Digital. Negatives are not accepted.
Digital File Submission for In-House Services – additional charges may apply
Images/scans should be 300dpi in CMYK. Logos should be supplied in .EPS format. Type should be converted to outlines or fonts provided. We also accept packaged InDesign documents (CS 2023).
Electronic transmissions via email
Camera ready (press ready) ads may be submitted via e-mail. Please send ads to
Electronic transmissions via ftp
Contact your sales representative for FTP login information.
Delivery & Deadlines
Issues are postal delivered on Thursday. Advertising deadline is Friday at 3:00 pm.
Special sections
The St. Charles Herald-Guide publishes special issues throughout the year. Contact the Advertising Department about specific issues and dates.
Total market coverage
Throughout the year, the St. Charles Herald-Guide will publish Total Market Coverage (TMC) issues. For details about these issues contact the advertising department.
Guaranteed Position Placement
Add 25% additional charge to regular rates. All positions at option of publisher.