Coastal restoration plan is welcomed

At last, a master plan for the restoration of Louisiana’s coast has been planned and is available for public review. It shows what the coast should be like in 2061 if the restoration is accomplished.

The state, which has lost more than 1,800 square miles of land in the last 80 years, would finally stop losing its valuable coast if the plan works. And if it doesn’t, our state’s southern areas will be almost decimated with the erosion that is coming in every day.

The master plan is precise in describing just what projects will be undertaken and what purposes they will serve. It includes most of the type of structures that have been proposed for saving the coast for years.

Included are water and sediment diversions, marsh creation and barrier island restoration.

If we plan them well and go forward with those types of projects, coastal Louisiana’s erosion problems should diminish in the future. We’ll be better protected from hurricanes. And the most productive coast in the nation will continue to provide its people with their most prolific source of commercial seafood production.

South Louisiana oil production will be made easier in the future and our state will continue to prosper from the industry it produces.

Saving Louisiana’s coast will provide great benefits for our state’s and nation’s futures. It should be one of the most important matters on the agenda.


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