River Region Drama Guild adult workshop
NORCO – The River Region Drama Guild will hold an adult theater workshop for novices and veterans 18 years and older, who want to take to the stage, enjoy theater games, improvisation and best of all laughter and have fun. This free adult theater workshop will be held for four weeks on Tuesdays and Thursday beginning Tuesday, Aug. 28 and ending on Thursday, Sept. 20. The workshop will be from 6 to 9 p.m. at the River Region Performing Arts and Cultural Center, 15146 River Road, Norco.
Freshman orientation at Hahnville High
BOUTTE – Hahnville High School will hold its freshman orientation on Saturday, Aug. 11 from 9 a.m. for Team 1, 10:15 a.m. for Team 2 and 11:30 a.m. for Team 3. A student’s team number is designated on their schedule and by the color of paper on which the schedule is printed.
All incoming freshman and their parents and guardians are encouraged to attend to receive information regarding school expectations, procedures and TOPS requirements. Students will take ID pictures, pay fees, collect textbooks and get P.E. uniforms.
Students should wear a uniform shirt or bring one with them to take their ID picture.
HHS seniors, juniors and sophomores are to report to the school on Aug. 12 to pay fees, pick up textbooks, P.E. unifroms, take ID pictures and request schedule corrections.
For more information, call the school at 985-758-7537.
Get involved with community education
LULING – The St. Charles Parish School System is now accepting applications for the 2007 community education fass semester. The brochure can be accessed online at www.stcharles.k12.la.us under the “Community Link” For more information, please call the information line at 985-785-7268 and leave a message for Jayne Tate – West Bank Coordinator or Valerie Townly-Smith – East Bank Coordinator.
Luling church hosts back to school bash
LULING – The Luling United Methodist Church will hold a 2007 Back to School Bash on Sunday, Aug. 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on church grounds located at 1001 Paul Maillard Road. For registration information, call the church office at 985-785-6868. Priority will be given to those who preregister by Friday, Aug. 3.
Parish networking group meets monthly
DESTREHAN – The St. Charles Networking Group for businesses meet each Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Mochaccino’s second-floor meeting room on Ormond Boulevard in Destrehan.
For information, call Cory Faucheux at 504-251-5726 or Diane Rattray at 985-703-2251.
Humanities groups holds annual tea
DESTREHAN – The River Region Arts and Humanities Council will hold its annual member and guests tea and fashion show on Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. at Ormond Country Club in Destrehan.
Tests that can help save you from stroke
DESTREHAN – Life Line Screening for stroke and carotid artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, ankle brachial index and osteoporosis will be held at the St. Charles Borromeo Church on Aug. 8. The church is located at 13396 River Rd. in Destrehan and appointments begin at 9 a.m. Cost: $129 for all four tests. For more info, or to schedule an appointment, call 1-877-237-1287 or visit us on the web at www.lifelinescreening.com. Pre-registration is required.
Mothering matters at MOPS group event
LULING – Mothers of Preschoolers of St. Charles Parish will kick-off its 2007-2008 year on Thursday, August 2 at Mochaccino’s in Luling from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event is open to all mothers including women who are pregnant and with children ranging in age from newborn to 5 years of age.
The organization’s commitment is to nurture mothers by providing them with creative and educational opportunities for personal growth as a mother.
MOPS has been part of the St. Charles Parish community since 2000 and is a faith-based group sponsored by The Bible Center Church located at 422 Barton Ave. in Luling.
Bi-monthly meetings are held from September through May. On the first Thursday meetings begin at 6 p.m. and at 9:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month.
For more information, visit www.mops.org or call the Bible Center Church at 985-785-0557.
The biggest seafood cook-off in Louisiana
EW ORLEANS – The 4th Annual Great American Seafood Cook-Off is Saturday, Aug. 4 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans in the Louisiana Foodservice Expo and the Gulf Coast Seafood Pavillion.
Competitors from 19 states will go head to head in the event sponsored by the Louisiana Seafood Promotion & Marketing Board.
The top-scoring chefs will compete in a Day 2 lagniappe cook-off event, preparing a quick and easy seafood dish to consumers on the go.
The event is open to the public. Tickets will be on sale at the door.
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