Nominations taken for Christmas fund

This year the St. Charles Herald-Guide sponsors its third annual $1 Children’s Christmas Fund to help a needy parish family this holiday season.

We call it the “$1 Children’s Fund” because we want every child in the parish to have the chance to participate equally in a community-wide act of love and caring during this most sacred time of year.

And to up the ante on the giving, the Herald-Guide will match those contributions dollar for dollar.

When all is said and done, every boy and girl – rich, poor and in between – will know deep down inside that the $1 he or she contributed to the fund was just as big and made exactly the same impact as the $1 sent in by every other child.

Are we going to collect millions? Not a chance.

But we believe that no number of millions could compare with the awesome power of these $1 gifts.

In our view, they will be transformative, not just for the needy families and children who share them, but in the hearts of the kids who send them in.

And when we say every child is welcome to participate, that’s exactly what we mean – from the “wee little ones” with sticky nickels and dimes shaken from a plastic piggy bank to teenagers with big allowances and part-time jobs and hundreds or even thousands in the bank.

Last year the Herald-Guide donate $817 to a New Sarpy family who lost everything in a house fire shortly before Christmas.

But the amount of the donation doesn’t even compare to the emotional effect the kindness of St. Charles Parish had on this deserving family.

Our goal is to once again touch the lives of those who deserve a little help and make their holidays a little brighter.

To donate, simply send $1 to the Herald-Guide’s $1 Children’s Fund – mom’s or dad’s check or money order is fine.

Or you can drop off the money at our office on Highway 90 in Boutte – we’ll have a sealed box in our lobby waiting for you.

Contributions will be distributed before Christmas to various charities in St. Charles Parish or to a needy family that you, our readers, can nominate.

Parents and adults who’d like to contribute larger amounts are welcome.

There are three ways to give to the $1 Children’s Christmas Fund:

• Checks or money orders made payable to “Herald-Guide’s $1 Children’s Christmas Fund” should be mailed to P.O. Box 1199, Boutte, LA 70039.

• Monetary donations may be dropped off at our offices at 14236 Hwy 90, Boutte.

• Donations are also being accepted at the businesses of Herald-Guide advertisers. So, keep an eye out for our collection jars all throughout the parish.


It’s that time of year – the time for giving and in the spirit of the holiday season the Herald-Guide’s second annual $1 Children’s Christmas Fund has been launched.

And this year, we need your help finding a family who deserves a little extra cash this Christmas, whether it be for food, clothing or a few presents to put under the tree.

Know a needy family? Email your nominations and a brief description (100 words or less) to Lifestyles Editor Heather R. Breaux at or post to P.O. Box 1099, Boutte, LA 70039.


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