One 3-way stop sign may be down, but many more left to go

Dear Editor,
I was really pleased to see that Councilman Tastet is going to try to get the illegal stop sign at the intersection of West Heather and Willowdale Boulevard removed.

He did not go far enough.

He should have included all the other several hundred illegal signs in the parish. If I had the resources to do so, I would file a suit to get them removed. I have all the legal documents needed to prove that every 3- and 4-way stop sign in the parish is illegal. Maybe some good citizens will volunteer to come to my aid.

I’m sure there are thousands of residents plus mail carriers and school bus drivers and delivery drivers that would enjoy seeing these stop signs removed.

I hope Councilman Tastet explains why he wants the sign removed. I guess I know. He probably got a flood of complaints from Willowdale residents. I have tried to get an opinion on the legality of these signs from the Attorney General’s office, but I have to be a public official or an attorney to get an answer.

Maybe I have done a little bit of good after fighting these signs for about 30 years. I guess the last one installed was many months ago at Oak Lane and Primrose Drive.

Cletus Martin


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