Willowdale extension would benefit West Bank

Barton Avenue is a skinny little road in Luling that connects U. S. 90 with River Road. But it attracts major traffic because it is a connection between the river front and the main thoroughfare on the west bank.

Alongside it in much of its route are two big ditches and private residences whose owners probably have difficulty getting to their homes at times because of the traffic. It presents problems for through traffic going from the highway to the riverfront and for those trying to reach their homes.

In the past there has been talk about extending Willowdale Boulevard across U. S. 90 to the river which would  provide a wider road than Barton through undeveloped land. It would certainly provide easier access to River Road for the eastern end of the west bank.

St. Charles Parish Council has asked for a study to determine the feasibility of such a new road. There are other possible routes east of Barton Avenue but the Willowdale extension would easily serve a large population that resides south of U. S. 90 in the Willowdale area.

If the study convinces the Regional Planning Commission to include the new route in the state’s transportation plan, it would become eligible for federal construction funds. And if the new road is built, Barton Avenue could become a residential route which it should be.


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