Tomorrow is Christmas Day … as if you didn’t know

There is a reason why everyone knows when Christmas comes.

It is when many of the people around the world join our focus to one of loving care and benevolence in which we can all aspire to improve ourselves and others as a uniting force in making the earth a better place in which to live.

It is actually the birthdate of a redeemer whom most of us recognize as a savior of a better life for all who inhabit our planet earth.

And as we sit back and help celebrate the occasion, our hearts become loving and peaceful and our minds create an existence that mainly comes once a year but can return whenever we have the desire for it.

Christmas can make a great difference in our year. As children, we had Santa Claus to bring us gifts and make us happy. As adults, we perhaps still get some of those gifts but the main benefit is our ability to spread our feelings to others and help make this a better world for us all.

Whatever we do this Christmas day, we need to recognize that we have been given a great present with our existence here and a future that can bring many benefits to ourselves and to others. And we need to take advantage of that privilege.Go out and greet your friends and neighbors. If you recently harbored bad words with any of them, make up for it by shaking their hands and smiling at them as though you are enjoying their company.

If you have an opportunity to help someone in need, do so. Above all, make yourself pleasant to everyone you meet during this holiday period and vow to continue that great spirit throughout the entire coming year and as long as you inhabit this earth and are able to do so.

The year just past has been a dreadful one, to say the least. Murders have been rampant. Mass killings have been frequent with people destroying civilization as though the earth is the center of evil spirits. It has been like we are living in a world of mad men out to get each other.

Now here we are on the doorstep of Christmas, 2015, our biggest celebration of the year during which goodness should prevail. Let us turn the evil spirits around and make this a world filled with the best things of life that will not go away during the year. And let us make this a Merry Christmas that will last forever.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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