‘Tis the season to be prepared

Whew! We got through the high river water so far with not too much damage. Just in time to introduce the 2011 Hurricane Season.

This after the catastrophic happenings in other parts of the nation. It seems like an unsafe world to be in. But at least we have forewarnings of hurricanes when they are coming our way. Not like tornadoes or earthquakes. But that doesn’t help us unless we are prepared to withstand the circular winds when they get here.

So be sure you are ready if the big blow comes.

1. Have a couple flashlights handy and make sure they work, like having batteries that are fully charged.

2. Make sure your car has enough gas in it at all times to make it at least to Monroe in case that becomes necessary. It may require a filled gas can in the shed.

3. If you want to spend about $800 to avoid the possibility of cleaning up spoiled food later, buy a small generator that you can plug your refrigerator, freezer and other essential appliances into in case the electricity goes off, which it has been known to do even in minor blows.

4. Plan what clothes you will take for a one week stay at a motel or considerate relative’s house. Put them on one side of your closet so you won’t have to sort them out when the storm gets close.

5. Make plan A, B and C. Plan A would be if the storm is coming from the southeast and is forecast to continue a straight course even after hitting land. In such a case, you will want to evacuate to Nashville where you can enjoy music to the fullest. Plan B could be if it comes along a south to north course. Then you could go mountain climbing in the Smokies while the storm batters up Louisiana. Plan C should make you go west while the storm reverses its course and goes northeast after hitting the coast.

6. Stock up a few groceries in case the storm is not bad enough to evacuate but could interfere with getting some food for awhile. And in case you didn’t buy that generator and the electricity goes off, get some canned and other food products that do not need refrigeration.

7. Make sure loose stuff in the yard and under your carport are secure enough to weather severe winds or bring them inside for the season.

8. And if, by chance we have a category three or higher storm come our way and you decide to stay put without any preparation, say a prayer or two and get a good book to read. You may want to think about something other than what is going on outside.


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