Take a step against crime next Tuesday

On Tuesday, the nation will observe Night Out Against Crime and, in our estimation, it is not a day too soon. In recent weeks, crime has taken an upturn. St. Charles Parish has been spared most of the violent crimes that are plaguing larger cities around the country. But we still have had our share of burglaries, robberies and other violations of the law that put fear into our citizens.

Local residents are asked to join in on the occasion by forming and attending block parties where ways to keep an eye out for suspicious activity in neighborhoods can be discussed. Deputies from the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Department will be dispatched to give tips on what to look out for.

If such a block party has not been planned in your area, perhaps you should contact neighbors to organize one. It can do a lot to make people aware of the symptoms that usually accompany crime. It could even save a life or two.

Law enforcement officers can’t be everywhere to prevent crime. And an informed and alert citizenry on the lookout when one isn’t there is bound to be effective.

People should become more active in protecting neighborhoods from crime. Next Tuesday will be a night out to do just that.

Take advantage of it.


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