Louisiana continues its pro-life stance

Louisiana made great strides in protecting life in this past legislative session. In fact, it may be considered one of the most pro-life states in the nation. We were the first state to pass a partial birth abortion ban after the U. S. Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. The procedure which delivers the unborn child into the birth canal to be crushed only inches from full birth is heinous to say the least.

If we consider an unborn child to be human and it is murder to kill a human being, then it is murder to commit an abortion. Of course many disagree with that theory, claiming it is not murder until the child is fully born. So it could be murder if the child were born prematurely but not murder if that child were left to develop to full term and then was killed in the birth canal.

Several other pro-life bills were passed this session. One requires that mothers considering abortion be informed that at 20 weeks an unborn child can feel pain in an abortion.

Putting a live person into pain forcefully unless that person attacks another person is usually considered a criminal offense. At least we should let the mother of an unborn child know she will submit it to pain if aborted.

The legislature also funded $1 million for counseling and services for abortion alternatives. And $2 million was appropriated for stem cell research from placentas and umbilical cord blood instead of live embryos that would develop into full-grown human beings.

Louisiana is maintaining its reputation as a state that respects life. It is a good reputation to have.

Let’s keep it up.


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