Mr. Reliable: From kindergarten on, HHS senior has never missed a minute of school

Logan Jones

Logan Jones will soon walk across the stage to accept his Hahnville High School diploma, bringing his high school days to an end. But what never came to an end is one of the most impressive streaks one may ever come across.

The senior has never missed a day of school, which would be rare enough if only considering high school. But Jones has never missed a day of middle school, nor a day of elementary school. For that matter, Jones has never missed even a single minute of a school day – he has never been tardy nor has never left early since his very first day of kindergarten.

It is perfect attendance – no ifs ands or buts – for well more than a decade of schooling.

“It feels great to know I put in the effort and it finally paid off in the end,” Jones said.

“He likes to do things that are different,” said Jones’ mother Mindy. “He’s always been a kid who wants to do things to stand out. And how many people go to school every single day, every single minute? He wanted to do something nobody else in his grade would do.’

In the fifth grade – his own streak already trucking along – Jones saw somebody honored for the feat of longstanding perfect attendance.

“I thought, if she can do it, maybe I can too,”  Logan said.

Of course, life tends to intervene often in these situations . It takes tremendous willingness, but even with that it also takes luck. His immune system cooperated mightily – Mindy said he would not have gone to school if sick. It also takes some careful coordination. When he had a matter to attend to, like an orthodontics appointment, he’d go early in the morning to ensure he could be to school by 9 a.m.

It wasn’t always easy to stay focused on the goal. Jones said he had his share of thoughts to call it off.

“For sure, after a long weekend and I’d want just one extra day … after a big soccer game, I’d want that break, a late wake up might feel pretty good right now,” he said. “But I just set my alarm and kept going.”

Mindy, a teacher, knows how difficult – and rare – it is to pull off.

She’s very proud of him, but just as much very excited for the future given what he’s shown.

“To see his motivation, it only makes me think ‘is he going to bring that same work ethic when he has a job?’” she said. “He’ll say, oh, what does this really mean and I tell him, it means people can depend on you. They’ll see this and know that this kid will show up every day and when it matters, we can depend on you.’”

Jones also gave his mother a bit of credit.

“You know kids try to get out of going to school, say they’re sick … she wasn’t going to fall for it,” he said.

He also overcame the challenges that were unprecedented through the years his class attended Hahnville, going through COVID-19 and Hurricane Ida. Jones and his family were unable to live in their home for over a year following Ida due to damage inflicted upon their home. He adapted in all cases.

Jones is planning on heading to Nicholls State upon graduating from Hahnville. He will study business administration with hut hopes of one day opening his own business.


About Ryan Arena 2968 Articles
Sports Editor

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