As the school year ends and summer draws near, many parents and caretakers may be looking for summer camp opportunities for the children in their care.
And while this list is not exhaustive, it does highlight summer camps that cover various areas of interest, including several put on by the St. Charles Parish Recreation Department (SCPRD).
Destrehan High School Desty Darlings Mini Camp
The camp is open to ages 3-12. Sessions will take place June 7-10 at the Harry Hurst Middle School Gym. The session for ages 3-6 will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the session for ages 7-12 will take place from noon – 2:30 p.m.
There is a $60 fee per camper. For more information, contact Micque Voges at mvoges@stcharles.k12.la.us.
nDurance Fitness Bootcamp
The bootcamp will start May 26 and take place every other Wednesday through August 4. Sessions will take place from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. and pre-registration is required for all participants.
The sessions are free for members and $12 for non-members. A flat fee of $50 is available for all six sessions, and campers participating in two or more sessions will be charged $10 a session.
For more information or to register, call 985-764-7918.
Destrehan Plantation Past Times Camp
The plantation’s second annual camp will take place June 21 – 25. It is open to children between the ages of 7 and 12 and will give participants experiences on how their ancestors lived. Archaeology, Native American traditions, domestic chores such as candle making and open-hearth cooking and vintage dancing are some of the many camp topics.
The camp will take place from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. each day. The registration deadline is June 1 and camp tuition is $180 per camper.
Camp registration forms may be picked up at the Destrehan Plantation Gift Shop or downloaded from www.destrehanplantation.org/events/past-times-camp.
Hahnville Future Tigers Football Camp
Offered July 14 and 15 from 9 a.m. – noon, this camp will offer children ages 7-17 the opportunity to work with current and former Tiger football coaches and players.
The fee is $30 per camper. For more information contact Coach Daniel Luquet at 985-758-7537.
Pony Tales Summer Camp
Week-long and individual day summer camp options for ages 6-12 years are available at Pony Tales. Organizers said summer fun with horses and ponies will include “painting” the ponies, washing and riding the animals, playing games and completing arts and crafts.
There is a $250 a week fee, and those who pay in advance my qualify for a discount. Sibling and multi-week discounts are also available.
For more information visit www.ponytalesbirthdays.com/camps.htm.
SCPRD Summer Performance Training
Ochsner Performance Training Staff will facilitate this training, which is designed to create the basics for athletic movement through proper body mechanics, running technique and bodyweight exercise.
The six-week program will take place at the Edward A Dufresne A Community Center from June 7 – July 1 and July 12 – July 22. There will be no clinic offered July 5 – 9.
The trainings will take place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. All 7-10 year old participants will train from 3 – 4:15 p.m., and all 11 – 14 year old participants will train from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Price per sessions include a six-week price of $100, four-week price of $75 and one-week price of $25.
The registration deadline is June 3. To register, visit www.scpparksandrec.com.
SCPRD Summer Baseball Clinic
The HHS coaching staff will offer three sessions of a baseball clinic at the West Bank Bridge Park.
Session 1 is June 7 – 11, session 2 is June 14 – 18 and session 3 is June 21 – 25. Each session will run from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and is designed for 7-14 year-old boys. There is a $50 fee per session.
The registration deadline is June 3. To register, visit www.scpparksandrec.com.
SCPRD Summer Softball Clinic
The DHS coaching staff will offer three sessions of a softball clinic at the East Bank Bridge Park.
Session 1 is June 7 – 11, session 2 is June 14 – 18 and session 3 is June 21 – 25. Each session will run from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and is designed for 7-14 year-old girls. There is a $50 fee per session.
The registration deadline is June 3. To register, visit www.scpparksandrec.com.
SCPRD Summer Basketball Clinic
Boys and girls ages 6 –16 are invited to attend a basketball clinic at the Edward A. Dufresne Community Center. Three clinic sessions will be offered.
Session 1 is June 7 – 10, session 2 is June 22 – 25 and session 3 is July 6 – 9.
The clinics will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be free before care offered starting at 8 a.m., after care rates will be available until 4 p.m.
The fees per clinic session is $110.
The registration deadline is June 3. To register, visit www.scpparksandrec.com.
St. Charles Soccer League Summer Camp
Three sessions of soccer camp will be held for boys and girls ages 3-13 at the Ashton Soccer Complex, located at 271 Ashton Plantation Blvd. in Luling.
Session 1 will run June 7 – 11, session 2 will run June 21 – 25 and session 3 will run July 26 – 30. Each clinic will be from 9 a.m. to noon.
To register, visit www.stcharlessoccer.com.
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