Luling gal runs 6-figure jewelry business – from her HOUSE

A Luling woman is being featured on the cover of a national magazine for her accomplishments as a stay-at-home mom who in addition to taking care of her family, rakes in a $100,000-plus salary selling jewelry from her home.

Carole Siegel-Dezarn had worked with the company Jewels by Park Lane from her home for 17 years prior to Hurricane Katrina.

She had a good business going until the storm threatened everything. Not only did it ravage her home, it slashed the number of customers with disposable income.

But in less than a year, Siegel-Dezarn, now 36, had managed to triple the sales she was earning before the storm hit, getting her national attention, especially from the publication Empowering Women.

The magazine heard Siegel-Dezarn’s story and felt that readers could learn from her perseverance and see that not only can a person fight back from tragedy, he – or she – can bring a business back stronger than ever.

“My family and I came home to basically nothing,” Siegel-Dezarn said of Katrina’s aftermath. “But within a year we had tripled the business we were doing before.”

Before Katrina her stay-at-home efforts were bringing in over $30,000. Last year, she cleared $110,000.

The money is one of the perks of Siegel-Dezarn’s success. But it’s the freedom her income and work-at-home lifestyle allow that make what she does a perfect career for her.

And she hopes other women who read her story decide to pursue careers that will give them the same freedom and security.

“The magazine article will focus on stay-at-home moms and what they can do that 9-5 mom’s can’t,” she said.

“You get to keep the kids at home. I have horses, too. And I can scrapbook whenever I want to.

“A lot of working women have the goal to stay at home and this allows them to do that.”

Being on the cover of a national magazine is a dream come true for Siegel-Dezarn, especially coming from the small town of St. Charles.

“All of this is very exciting,” she said. “I started selling for Park Lane as a college student to help pay tuition and now I’ve been doing it for 17 years.”

To reach Siegel-Dezarn personally, contact her at


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