Cousins travel to Washington D.C. for presidential inauguration

Mya LaGrange and Shaysa Lewis have been invited as honored scholars by the Congressional Youth Leadership Conference to attend the historic Jan. 20 presidential inauguration of Barack Obama, who will become the 44th president of the United States and the first African-American to be elected to the seat. While the entire world watches the President of the United States take the formal oath of office on television, Mya and Shaysa will be among the privileged few who experiences this momentous occasion in person.

The girls, who have previously attended two leadership conferences, will participate in the conference activities leading up to inauguration day.

As inaugural scholars and special guests, the pair will not only bear witness at the inauguration, they will also meet a major presidential candidate, White House officials, congressional staff, political experts and special VIPs such as Lance Armstrong, James Carville and Mary Matalin.

Both Mya and Shaysa will attend the inaugural parade an the Gala Inaugural Ball.

Mya is a freshman honor student at Destrehan High School and is the daughter of Dwayne and Avis LaGrange of Hahnville. Shaysa is an eight grader at St. Mary’s Dominican High in New Orleans. She is also the daughter of Stephen and Hazel Lewis of Hahnville


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