Can you top this?

Willowdale family’s tree is a TOWERING GIANT

Every Christmas, Sally and Dean Church of Luling bring in a giant Christmas tree to celebrate the season. And when we say giant, we mean giant – this beauty is 16-feet tall.

“When we moved into our home 30 years ago, I bought a regular tree and it was dwarfed by our high ceilings,” says Sally, who lives in Willowdale subdivision. The Churches have been custom-ordering a tree from the mountains of North Carolina ever since.

This year, it took 10 neighborhood boys to bring the 16-foot tree into the house and hoist it up. It took a week for Sally to decorate the tree — even with help from neighbors and friends.

The tree is beautiful, lit up with 7000 white lights (35 strings of 200 lights each) and adorned with over 80 gold crosses, angels, and musical instruments.

Merry Christmas!

Got something bigger, wilder or weirder than a huge Christmas tree? We want to know.

Write: or post a letter describing what you’ve got. Write: Can you top this? P.O. Box 1199, Boutte, LA 70039. Be sure to include a phone number. We’ll do the rest.


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