Agriculture / Horticulture

Newer flowers adorn home landscapes

Many of us may not realize it, but the last 20 years have been some of the most exciting times in the history of home landscaping. It would be impossible to list all the new ornamental plants – from trees to shrubs to perennials to annual flowers – that have been recently released.


Agriculture / Horticulture

Cucumber family provides many favorite vegetables

The cucumber family, properly known as the Cucurbitaceae (cu-cur-bit-A-cee-ee), provides a wide variety of vegetables popular for the spring, summer and fall home vegetable garden. Members of the cucumber family (cucurbits) that can be planted now and into April include summer squash, zucchini, winter squash, mirliton (south Louisiana), pumpkin, gourd, cucuzzi, watermelon, cantaloupe, cushaw, luffa and, of course, cucumber. […]