Thanks for the Carriage Lane article

Thank you for running the article on Carriage Lane. The result of it was a whole lot of for sale signs going up in the nerighborhood.It seems that people would rather just move away than fight to get the street cleaned up. I’m not ready to run though. Here is the latest communication sent to the parish council members:

Mr. James Pettigrew is building three single-story doubles at the beginning of Carriage Lane in the price range targeting low-income buyers. This type of building would be prohibited from being built on Ormond Blvd. As a homeowner on Carriage Lane, I am very angry that this is being allowed considering all of the complaints and problems the current low-income housing has caused. Not to mention that this will add to the already decreasing property values of the newer townhomes.

OCA officers, is there nothing in the covenants to force him to stop? If there isn’t, can we get it immediately?

Ramachandran, why is the parish/planning and zoning allowing this to happen? How long will you all just sit back and let the street further deteriorate? Developers who are trying to clean the street up by replacing the low-income housing with higher end townhomes will not want to continue investing if the parish allows builders like Mr. Pettigrew continue to ruin the street. Low income housing has no place in Ormond, and the parish and OCA should block any attempts to build housing targeting low-income buyers. Everybody else’s property values and quality of life will suffer if this trend continues.

In addition, the grass is still high on several lots on Carriage Lane, starting from the corner of Stanton Hall and Carriage Lane. Please send the parish out to cut the grass and bill the owners.

Keirsten Williams


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