Homestead exemption needs our attention

Editor: I am writing as many others may be or want to about the homestead exemption.I understand that it has been $75,000 since 1982. If we are going to appraise on today’s values, which are probably double or more since the 1982 appraisals, why shouldn’t the homestead exemption be $150,000 or more?

I think that it is time the homestead exemption be raised to a fair amount to be equal to the market value of homes at today’s prices.

I know some states don’t even have a homestead exemption but they also have no income tax or sales tax, but in Louisiana the homeowners are paying all three.

This is not right and it is destroying people’s lives and helping them make the decision to move elsewhere.

Please write your tax commissioner, our representatives and senators and ask them to speak for you in Baton Rouge and do their part to get the homestead exemption raised.

Clara Daigle, Hahnville


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