Stop immigration COLD – arrest employers who hire illegal aliens

By JOHN COX/Special to the Herald-Guide

If you want to get rid of the drug problem, you don’t focus on arresting 10 million casual pot smokers. You go to the source, the drug cartels.

Correspondingly, if our government really wanted to solve the illegal immigration problem, they’d stop wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on the endless cycle of arresting and releasing low-level workers, only having to arrest and release the same faces again the following week when they report back to work.

The real solution is a business solution. Go after the illegal hiring cartels. Arrest employers and you will have arrested the problem.

I’m not just talking about arresting low-level human resource clerks. I’m talking about arresting CEOs of companies that employ hundreds of illegals for greedy gain. And once the jobs dry up for illegals, they’ll head back to their families who undoubtedly miss them.

Just picture the newspaper headlines the day after this legislation were signed into law: “FBI Raid Nets 36 Arrests of Corporate CEOs for Illegal Hiring Practices.”

Tough medicine? Insensitive? Unfair? I’ll tell you what’s unfair: Seeing the families of legal U.S. citizens suffer because their main breadwinner is now standing in a bread line because some greedy corporate executives used cheap, illegal labor.

The Democrat controlled Congress is moving full speed ahead to grant fourteen million illegal immigrants with US citizenship through the process of amnesty.

Kennedy and McCain are working hard to award legal status to illegal aliens by waiving the verification of residency.

One of the motives behind bestowing illegals with American Citizenship is to secure more Hispanic votes, which ties in to the political agenda of corrupt politicians.

Another corrupt reason for awarding amnesty to illegals is that business is breaking the law while laughing all the way to the bank.

It is shocking to see our own government corrupted by crooked politicians who advocate the breaking of laws in order to gain votes and win elections, while looking the other way as crooked business men become millionaires by depriving millions of American workers a fair wage.

Moreover, the Social Security Administration collects multiple billions of dollars per year of which there is no correlation to a Social Security number, nor is there a chance there will ever be a match.

What does our government do with these billions? There’s no accountability to US Citizens for this massive excess of non-matched funds and our government has no incentive to provide an accounting of such funds to the American people because they get to keep the money. Illegal aliens cross our borders for many reasons, such as drug trafficking, terrorism and to find work. A large portion of illegals who come to find work take their paychecks back across the border, while American blue collar worker’s salaries are driven down to the point that they cannot afford to live in America at the same standard illegals may live at in Mexico.

The real criminals are the men and women who own businesses that commit the crime of hiring illegal aliens.

If all business were held to the law, and if all perpetrators of this crime were arrested, brought up on charges and made to pay back both the payroll taxes and the money they gained for paying illegals less than minimum wage, there would be no more reason for illegals to cross the borders except in the cases of terrorism or trafficking.

Legal immigration is good for America. It makes us more productive, it is good for business, and it enriches our culture.

We need more immigrants who are willing to contribute in a positive way to our nation’s growth and prosperity. But we need to ensure that immigrants come here legally, waiting their turn in line, just like countless immigrants have throughout our history.

John Cox is the author of “Politic$, Inc., Principle, not profit: why we need statesmen, not career politicians” and “Campaign for Prosperity and Renewal.”


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