As we approach the end of another year, we pause to make note that in no way was it a perfect year.
We have had worse ones for sure, with world wars here and there and other extremisms of violence that did not portray us as supporters of the peacefulness we wanted to be on our side.
But we must take note that there are still a few days ahead during which time we can express what we hope will occur during the coming year. Maybe we can make the year of 2019 a turning point in our Mother Earth’s future.
This past year, we have had violent shootings galore that disturbed the good times that we still had many of. But we can still pray that we can turn the bad things into better things that can put us into a peaceful frame of mind for the future.
So, as Christmas passes this year, let us concentrate on the things we can do in the future that will make us a better world in which to live for the benefit of all mankind. Let us hope that the beneficial beliefs we worship will begin to cling to mankind in a way that we will give in to them, and they will become the real future of our world.
And when we see cracks in that wall, let us turn our attentions to correcting them so, in the future, we can repair them to become the type of livable conditions our civilization can be comfortable in.
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