Parish may be dealing with highest mosquito population in decades
VDCI, the local contractor that operates St. Charles Parish Mosquito Control services, St. Charles Parish may currently be experiencing some of the highest mosquito infestation. […]
VDCI, the local contractor that operates St. Charles Parish Mosquito Control services, St. Charles Parish may currently be experiencing some of the highest mosquito infestation. […]
Aerial mosquito spraying will occur Friday (Oct. 4), weather pending, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in St. Charles Parish. […]
This year’s moderate temperatures combined with heavy rainfall and storm surges from hurricanes Harvey and Nate contributed to an increase in mosquitoes, as well as helping them stay around longer. […]
While cold weather delayed this year’s mosquito outbreak, the pesky vampires are out with a vengeance now due to mid-April showers. […]
The year’s first confirmed case of West Nile Encephalitis virus in the Greater New Orleans area was found last week in a Killona mosquito sample.
While the parish is still technically experiencing a drought, some residents may already be getting tired of the near-constant small rainfalls over the past two weeks.
Mosquito populations are not expected to increase due to recent small rains in St. Charles Parish.
Drought conditions have kept local mosquito populations at bay for the past few months, but Steve Pavlovich said that will change as soon as the parish has a long, hard rain.
One of the coldest winters on record has thrown off the mating habits of mosquitoes, which means many residents in St. Charles Parish have been able to venture out of their homes without having to constantly swat at the annoying insects. […]
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