Sacks full of sac-a-lait in Cataouatche

Launching at the Bayou Segnette State Park, Kenny Domangue, Pete Cassange and I took a quick boat ride along the ring levee to the Whiskey Canal, then headed across Lake Cataouatche.

We wanted to catch catfish and bream.

This time of year bream like to bed up and the chances of catching them are good. Stopping at the first cut before the La. Cypress Canal, we threw earthworms on the bottom and caught 30 nice catfish in the deep hole before the cut.

Around 4 p.m. we moved into the La. Cypress Canal. We started by the second rock-lined cut on the right about half a mile down. Before we knew it, everyone had a bream, chinquapin or goggle eye on the line.

The bait of choice was the red/white/chartreuse 1/32-ounce mini jig 14 to 16 inches under a 2-inch cork. The water was clear and moving into the canal.

Fishing close to the edges of the grass beds, Cassange’s cork went under.

“I think this is a big bream,” he said. “No, it’s a big sac-a-lait!”

Domangue quickly threw to his spot and reeled in another one. I kept the boat headed towards the West Canal and fished the edges of the grass beds. Each one of us were catching big sac-a-lait.

Any grass sticking up produced a fish. Sometimes even throwing in the middle of the canal would net a big sac-a-lait. And, occasionally, a bass would hit a mini jig.
At 6:30 p.m., we couldn’t fit another fish in the live well and decided to call it a day.

Locals finish in Top 10 of Media South Tourney

Media South recently held its fourth bass tournament at Bayou Segnette and local anglers fared well.

Media South hosts six bass tournaments with payouts for Big Bass and the top 17 places. Bass anglers fish for the coveted title of Anglers of the Year.

Teams consist of two fishermen and they earn points at each bass tournament. They will be honored at the championship tournament in October, which will also be held at Bayou Segnette State Park.

Ninety teams participated in the fourth Media South Bass Tournament.

Local bass fishermen Steve Rockweiler and Kyle Greer placed eighth in the tournament, while fellow locals Ritchie Friloux and Kevin Simon placed ninth.

With every outdoor event, one should expect some type of trouble. Conrad Picou and Alec Race left the launch at takeoff. They returned to the launch because they noticed broken bolts on the engine.

When they tried to put the boat on the trailer, the engine fell off the boat.

They were able to get park management to assist in getting the engine out of the water and into their truck bed.  Believe it or not, they went back out and managed to place fifteenth.


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