Carl “Squeaky” Dupre of Bayou Gauche was invited to make a last-minute hunt with Gary Larousse on a deer lease near Lake Boeuf northwest of Lake Des Allemands.
Little did he know that even though he broke all the rules of deer hunting, he would bag a big buck.
“I had taken a shower and had put on some deodorant and cologne. I was not expecting to go hunting but decided to go,” Dupre said. “My wife told me, ‘Why go? You never shoot anything.’
Dupre and Larousee rode in the mud boat through the trenase to their jump off spot in the swamp. After Dupre pulled up his hip boots, he started to walk to the box stand.
“Gary allows me to hunt with him because I like working during the summer by keeping the shooting lanes open. I like the work because it keeps me in good shape,” Dupre said. “After reaching the box stand, I opened the windows and began eating sunflower seeds and beef jerky.
“I was thinking, I’m breaking all the rules in trying to deer hunt.”
Dupre saw a few squirrels playing and a pileated woodpecker began hammering away on a nearby tree. Then, he noticed a doe at the end of the shooting lane.
“I raised my rifle to get a good look at her through my 6 by 18 variable scope. While looking at her a large antler came up into my view.,” Dupre said. “I quickly backed off to my scope and saw this large deer standing between the doe and me. He must have been laying down in the tall grass and stood up.”
When the buck stood up, he landed right in Dupre’s cross hairs.
“All I did was put the cross hair on his neck and squeezed off a shot,” Dupre said. “The 115-grain bullet from my 257 Weatherby Mag found its mark and dropped him. I knew I had him because I shoot two liter coke bottles at 300 yards with extreme accuracy.”
So even though the 11-point was standing 125 yards from the box stand, Dupre beleived it was a close shot.
He dropped the buck at 4:50 p.m.
“Trying to drag an 11 point, 200-pound deer out of the swamp was a very hard task,” Dupre said. “But Gary met me and helped me drag the monster buck from the swamp.”
The big buck scored approximately 156 on the Boone & Crocket measurement system.
“Now it’s deer sausage and entering the 11-point buck in the Big Buck contest at the Louisiana Sportsman Show in March,” Dupre added.
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