Spirit news from around the world

Archdiocese: Hannan Responding Well To Therapy

NEW ORLEANS — Former New Orleans Archbishop Phillip Hannan has been released from a Covington hospital. The 93-year-old suffered a stroke last Friday. He is now being treated at an intermediate care facility. Archdiocese spokesman the Rev. William Maestri said Hannan’s movement and speech are improving and that he is responding well to therapy. Hannan served as archbishop of New Orleans from 1965 to 1989.- WDSU.com

Christian Legal Groups Defend ‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus’

Concerned about a U.S. Supreme Court case that could limit free speech, a number of Christian legal organizations have filed briefs defending a high school student suspended for displaying a “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” banner. – Religion News Service

Clinton, Obama Woo Jewish Vote

Trying to woo Jewish voters, Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are asserting their support for Israel and concern about Iran. – The Washington Times

Top General Explains Remarks on Gays

Gen. Peter Pace apologized for expressing his personal view that homosexuality is immoral and said he should have limited his comments to support for the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. – The New York Times

Pope: Catholic Pols Must Oppose Gay Marriage

The Catholic Church’s opposition to gay marriage is “non-negotiable” and Catholic politicians have a moral duty to oppose it, as well as laws permitting abortion and euthanasia, Pope Benedict XVI said in a document. – Reuters

Evangelicals: Against Abortion, and Now War

Some Christian conservatives who backed President Bush are rethinking their support for the administration in light of the Iraq war. – The Oregonian

Mohler Supports Changing Fetus’ Orientation

The president of a prominent Southern Baptist seminary says he would support medical treatment, if it were available, to change the sexual orientation of a fetus from homosexual to heterosexual. – Religion News Service

Scrutiny Increases for Muslim Advocacy Group

With violence across the Middle East fixing Islam smack at the center of the American political debate, an organization partly financed by donors closely identified with wealthy Persian Gulf governments has emerged as the most vocal advocate for American Muslims – and an object of wide suspicion. – The New York Times

Terrorists Proving Harder to Profile

Looking for terrorists, police across Europe are arresting women, teenagers, white-skinned suspects and people baptized as Christians – groups that in the past were considered among the least likely to embrace Islamic radicalism. – The Washington Post

Black and Immigrant Muslims, an Uneasy Alliance

African-American and immigrant Muslims – two groups that have historically been divided by race, class and history – have begun to form political coalitions since 9/11. – The New York Times

Romney Isn’t the First to Switch on Abortion

Mitt Romney has switched his position on abortion, putting him in the company of some past presidential candidates – including Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Al Gore. – Los Angeles Times

A more comprehensive list of news clips, updated daily, can be found at http://www.pewforum.org/news.



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