Oh Baby!

Embryo adoption offers hope to thousands

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a world-wide debate about what should happen to 400,000 plus frozen embryos currently in storage at in-vitro clinics. Evangelical Christians and Catholics believe that these embryos are human persons and deserve to be treated as such. “Every embryo is unique and genetically complete, like every other human being,” they argue. Others believe that the stored embryos should be made available for research that could lead to treatments for people suffering from serious diseases, even though such research destroys the embryo in the process.

Many couples are now choosing to adopt these embryos. Not only do these couples have the peace-of-mind that they saved an embryo from being discarded or used as a science experiment — there are real advantages to adopting an embryo. One big plus is that the procedure implants the embryo into the adopting mother’s womb. This gives the couple total control over what the developing fetus is exposed to. No crack cocaine for this baby. Another advantage is that embryo adoption costs about $3000 – a fraction of the cost of in vitro fertilization and without all the paperwork of regular adoptions.

Snowflakes Embryo Adoptions can be reached at (714) 278-1020 or on the web at www.Snowflakes.org


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