Every single student at St. Rose Elementary from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade was the beneficiary of a new book, courtesy of International-Matex Tank Terminals (IMTT).
“Our students were super excited to receive the books,” Shonda Honor-Harris, principal of St. Rose Elementary, said. “The students were sitting and engaging with the books in the class. Our upper grade level students enjoyed receiving books as well aligned to their current curriculum.”
In all, 588 books were donated to the school. The school’s teachers got together and selected one book per grade level.
“Teacher book selection was strategic for our upper grades,” Honor-Harris said. “For example, our fifth grade team of teachers selected a book for IMTT to purchase that was connected to their current guidebook unit – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The book selected for the student gift was Prince Caspian.”
Kim Nave, executive assistant to chairman and CEO at IMTT, said they met with Honor-Harris in November to express IMTT’s desire to adopt St. Rose Elementary.
“IMTT is committed to having a positive impact on the communities in which we serve. This includes St. Rose,” she said. “Through our ‘adoption’ of the school, we hope to build on what the teachers and staff are already doing to foster a love of learning in each student.”
While the adoption relationship is new, Nave said IMTT is looking forward to having employees volunteer during the school day as well as for special events. Last year, IMTT employees volunteered at the school and they donated $500 for the St. Rose Elementary’s Fall Fest.
“We also went big with support during the holidays by buying breakfast for the teachers, buying the books and a hot chocolate and cookie decorating event for the students,” Nave said, adding that IMTT’s financial support to the school in December totaled around $5,000 “Writing the check is the easy part but the most impactful part will be giving the students another positive interaction with a caring adult.”
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