We need less national, more local government

It’s time to start reconsidering the make-up of governments in the United States and produce a system where local people can have more control over the way they live. This will give them more freedom to do the things they want to do.

In other words, we should reduce the federal government’s power – and income – and redistribute it to the states and municipalities where the local governments can pursue more of what the people want and the way they want it. This would be more of a confederacy which the southern states once tried to revolt for.

But there are many reasons why such a government could work better in this day and age. Of course, we would still have to allow the federal government to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But that does not require the extent to which it performs its job.

We need new leadership in Washington which can develop a plan by which our government can be changed and made smaller. We need to allow the people in cities, regions and states to have more control over the power their federal government now has over them.

True democracy should extend from the bottom up, not from Washington down. And with the extensive communication we have today, we can certainly make it the way we want it to be.

Louisiana, it seems, should be a good place for such a development to start since we are a conservative state and would favor the independence it would provide us. Let’s start talking it up to our state politicians to try and make it a national effort.


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