Troops needed in Afghanistan

Some wonder why we should go to war on the side of corrupt government in Afghanistan. The answer is that we have no choice because without that government, the terrorists would be in control of the country.

After winning his re-election, President Hamid Karsai issued words of encouragement that he would get tough on corruption and strengthen his security forces so foreign troops can go home. Obviously we have to see that he keeps his word.
If we retreat before helping in that quest, we would be surrendering to a power that would like to kill us as they did in 9/11. The world is too small a place now to leave such a force uncontrolled.

Our next step would be to put the troops there that can guarantee that the Taliban will not overtake the country and expand the occupation by terrorists. We should support Karsai and direct him in fighting that battle.

Our end desire should be to bring the troops home and let Karzai’s government carry on. But not until the war against terrorism is won.


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