Our wonderland to be more available

Our outdoor wonderland in St. Charles Parish is destined to become more available to the public in the near future. Two projects will make it so.

One of them, a bike path along the West Bank levee is now under construction but work has been delayed due to high water in the Mississippi River caused by excessive rain up north. When completed, it will extend from Elm Street in Hahnville to Davis Drive in Luling. Eventually it is expected to be extended on the entire West Bank levee in the parish. It will match a completed bike path on the East Bank levee from Jefferson Parish to Ormond Boulevard that is expected to be extended the rest of the way to St. John Parish.

The other project which will help us enjoy the wetlands of our fabulous parish is construction of a 13-acre boat launch on U. S. 90 between Pier 1 and the Davis Pond Diversion Project. Property for it is expected to be purchased soon.

It eventually is expected to include an outdoor park with playing fields. Intentions are to make it a facility that will attract the Bassmasters Classic fishing tournament.

Without such facilities, the public would never know how beautiful St. Charles Parish is. We have the greatest river in the world running through it and some of the most fabulous wetlands in the nation.

And in the future, we should be able to enjoy them that much more.


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