If we thought 2011 was alive with political fever, we haven’t even gotten to the melting point yet. The year 2012 is just ahead and it could be fiercer as we approach election day in November.
First, we have to settle the nomination of a Republican for President. We know who the Democrat will be and unless one of the could-be nominees deserts his party, the Independents won’t be in the race.
So in wishing for a happy New Year, let us hope that all of those running settle down in friendly rhetoric that makes sense, not just distrust of their opponents. And let’s talk plans for the future of this great democracy that is leader of the free world. In that leadership lies the future of that world.
There are some good things happening on the other side of our earth. The Mideast is leaning toward democracy more with the toppling of dictators and outcries against restriction of freedom that exists there. There is hope that this shift in outlook can turn the tide on our two major nuclear threats, North Korea and Iran.
Here at home we will have financial problems to solve by the next President and Congress in a government that has grown too big to be efficient. Some of those problems and the tax revenues to solve them should be turned over to states, counties and parishes where the solutions will be closer to home and more effective.
And each one of us can help make this a better world in the future by being kind to our neighbors, helping those in need and reporting those who are causing problems to the proper authorities. Every citizen has an obligation to do his part in keeping this a world in which peace and freedom will reign.
And we wish a Happy New Year to all of you who can help make that happen.
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