Government can’t run health care well

It would be better for the federal government to police our health care system, not run it. After all, that is what government does best.

It is there to protect our freedoms and well-being. But that can’t be done by running our businesses.

Health care is certainly a business and there are a lot more people involved in it that can solve our health problems better than government officials. It is the government’s job to protect its citizens from fraudulent practices and unnecessary expenses. But that can be done outside of the practice of medicine.

President Obama’s plan should concentrate on allowing the type of health insurance that would be fairer to the public and can be carried over when one changes jobs and would not penalize for pre-existing conditions. Certainly health care for those who cannot afford it should be addressed in this new bill.

Tort reform measures that will ease the burden on the medical profession but be fair to the public should be instituted. Red tape should be slashed. And we may be surprised that all of this could save us money.

Above all, our health care system should be kept within the framework of our free enterprise system, a system that, over time, has been the fairest and most productive system ever devised. It works for everything else and can be made to work for health care.


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