Education in St. Charles Parish is not just about teaching young people the ABCs and the complexities of physics. There’s a lot of practical stuff that can help people of all ages improve their lifestyles.
For many years, the school system here has provided a superior Community Education program that has appealed to a large segment of our population. And its popularity attests to its effectiveness. Registration deadline for the coming semester’s sessions is Aug. 31. Classes begin Sept. 12.
There are more than 180 classes available on a variety of subjects. They spread to just about every field imaginable.
Experts teach courses in art, cooking, acting and dancing, just to name a few.
The mission of the program “is to offer community members learning opportunities, utilizing community schools as learning sites by providing interesting, satisfying and challenging classes for people of all ages.”
It creates “opportunities for community members – – individuals, schools, businesses, and public and private organizations – – to become partners in addressing community needs. Community education is most easily recognized in the community school, a facility that is open beyond the traditional school day for the purpose of providing academic, recreational, health, social service, and work preparation programs for people of all ages.”
Whether one wants to sharpen up on his expertise in any particular field or learn from scratch on a subject they know very little about, Community Education is a good way to go in St. Charles.
Senior citizens and St. Charles Parish Public School employees qualify for a 10 percent discount on classes. To register or for more information, visit www.stcharles.k12.la.us.
Under Quick Links choose Community, then the Community Education link for the most current class information and registration form.
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