An estimated 32 panels of quartz crashed onto U.S. Highway 90 around 11 a.m. Monday when Reynier Arencibia of Houston, Texas, said he had to suddenly brake the 18-wheeler with the load to avoid a small vehicle that came onto his path.
“All merchandise go to the front,” Arencibia said of the incident. He said he was driving the truck for Iker Logistics in Houston.
pon braking the truck, he said the load shifted, sending most of the panels crashing onto the highway.
Louisiana State Police issued a citation to Arencibia for an improperly secured load.
As the panels shifted and started shattering on the highway, passerby Joselito Facis of Mobile, Ala., watched some them slide his way.
They struck his Tacoma truck as he attempted to pass by the 18-wheeler, damaging the driver side of his vehicle and flattening three of his tires.
Facis said he was surprised when he realized the panals were sliding and particularly when they started striking the side of his truck.
The quartz gouged the driverside of the truck near where he was driving.
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