The number of registered voters has increased steadily in St. Charles Parish since last year. Registrar of Voters Brian Champagne believes that voter registration drives conducted at different areas in the parish are the reason for the spike in the numbers.
In the past 12 months, 2,977 new voters have registered in St. Charles either in person, at Motor Vehicles, by mail or at one of the voter drives that were conducted, Champagne said.
“As of today, 33,678 people are registered to vote parishwide.”
St. Charles Parish had a net gain of 831 more voters than the previous year, according to figures released in August by Secretary of State Jay Dardenne’s office.
Champagne wants to encourage voters who haven’t registered yet to sign up before the upcoming national and parishwide elections.
“I would like to remind everyone that early voting for the October 4th Open Primary/First Congressional Democratic Party Primary is going on until Saturday, Sept. 27 at the Courthouse in Hahnville and on the East Bank at Artebury Bldg. in New Sarpy from 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.,” Champagne said.
It is anticipated that since the parish has seen an increase in the number of registered voters, the precincts will likely exert an increasing influence over the election results here in the future.
“The numbers can vary based on whether people move in or out of the parish and the number of deaths also contribute to that number,” Champagne said.
For those who will be out of the parish during the elections, an absentee ballot can be mailed to residents if they send in a request form from the parish voter’s registration web site at www.stcharlesgov.net/departments/rov.html. Residents can also pick up a form at the office, located in Hahnville inside the parish courthouse.
The last day to register to vote for the presidential election is Oct. 6. Voter registration will also be conducted during the early voting period scheduled for Sept. 27.
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