Hahnville – Auditors Stagni & Co. have given St. Charles Parish’s 2008 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report an unqualified opinion, dubbing the report “clean” for the most recent fiscal year.
The audit revealed no significant findings that would be required to make the parish’s financial statements compliant with generally accepted government accounting principles.
2008 marked the first year for St. Charles Parish Finance Director Grant M. Dussom, who was praised by Certified Public Accountant David Stagni at the Aug. 3 Parish Council meeting.
“Your finance department did a great job considering (there was a) change in finance director,” he said. “It’s a really big job.”
In addition to its regular audit, Stagni & Co. also completed a yellow book audit, which is a review for governments that receive federal funding.
St. Charles Parish will once again be in the running to receive a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. The St. Charles Parish Finance Department has received this award for the last 12 consecutive years.
According to Stagni, St. Charles Parish is one of only two of the many entities it audits which compile their own financial statements.
“For our other clients, we have to put (the statements) together for them,” he said.
The audit report is available online at www.stcharlesparish-la.gov under Documents > Finance. For detailed information on the parish’s tax revenue outlook, debt and grant funding sources, refer to the Management Discussion and Analysis, beginning on page 21 of the document.
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