More DWI arrests than usual thanks to citizen watchdogs

Over a one week span, the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s office reported an unusually high number of DWI arrests, a “welcome feat” that the department says comes from a variety of factors, including the help of concerned citizens. The dangers of drinking and driving are well known.

And drinking and driving accounts for thousands of fatalities nationwide yearly.

But it’s not only the cops who spot those who venture behind the wheel while intoxicated.

Calls from concerned citizens help police by giving them additional eyes and ears, enabling them, in effect “to be two places in one time,” SCP sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Dwayne LaGrange said.

“We’re always aggressive out there when it comes to drunk driving,” he continued.

“Part of the number of DWI busts has to do with police presence, but we also get calls from citizens about somebody swerving or driving erratically.”

LaGrange said they take those calls seriously and respond immediately.

And while there is no exact science to figuring out why there has been an increase in DWI arrests here lately, LaGrange said sometimes these things “just happen in spurts,” but the department will continue to stay aggressive in efforts to keep as many drunk drivers off the road as possible.

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