River Parishes Hospital recently held a celebration for its employees, honoring them for their donations totaling over $12,000 to the St John United Way Fund. Scott Boudreaux, CEO, welcomed the employees and thanked them for their generosity in helping residents of the community. Boudreaux talked about the organizations that the United Way sponsors and said he feels these organizations are a great asset to St. John Parish, especially during and after the recent hurricanes.Tammy Waltz, Marketing Assistant and coordinator of the hospital’s United Way campaign, recognized the three teams who reached their United Way goal. They were: Administration, Surgical Services and Practice Management.
They will each receive a team pizza party. She then announced the winners of the hospital’s fundraising contests. All employees who donated their fair share were entered in a drawing for one of two prizes: a day off with pay and a $100 gift certificate to the restaurant of choice. Cynthia Rivers of Medical Records won the day off with pay, and Debbie Navarre of the Lab won the $100 gift certificate. All contributors of $20 or more were given a free meal ticket to eat in the hospital cafeteria. A raffle was also held for 20 free meals in the hospital cafeteria. The winners were: Michelle Marchetta, Administration; Roger Ruiz, Pharmacy; Andree Casadaban, Wound Care Center; and Tala Johnson, Pharmacy.
Employees were invited to build their own brownie sundaes in recognition of the United Way’s efforts to rebuild the St. John Parish after the recent hurricanes.
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