Essential items needed for soldiers

Last day to donate is Nov. 19

Christmas is the time of the year that most people get to spend spreading cheer and reminiscing with family and friends, but for thousands of soldiers overseas, that is not a possibility.

In order to spread some cheer to those serving our country, the Ladies Auxiliary and VFW Post 3750 of Luling adopted a local unit and will send all the members care packages. So far, hundreds of items have been donated by parish residents and businesses. These items include things that many take for granted, such as deodorant, toothpaste and shaving cream.

“A lot of people have no idea what these soldiers have to go through,” Donna Guice, a member of the VFW, said. “These are items that are really needed.”

Guice, who comes from a military family, said that collecting and sending these items gives soldiers’ families a much-needed break during the holidays.

“It allows them to focus on their family here by knowing that their soliders are taken care of,” she said.

While a lot of the items have already been collected, Guice said some of them are still needed before the Nov. 19 deadline. Those include:

•Baby wipes
•Flea Collars
•Shampoo and conditioner
•Shaving gel or cream
•Lip balm
•Hand and body lotion
•Body wash and soap
•Candy (no chocolate, gummy or taffy)
•Peanuts, beef jerky, chips and crackers
•Puzzle books

“Not only are these items needed, but the soldiers really enjoy receiving things from home,” Guice said. “They need to know that people love them and support them.

“We are deeply grateful for all the community outreach in this effort. It means so much to those serving overseas and their families.”

The gift packages will arrive in time for Christmas.
Items to be donated may be dropped off at one of these locations; at Thrift Village Pharmacy in Luling and  Majoria’s Supermarket in Boutte. Additionally, monetary donations towards shipping cost of the boxes is being collected at the Capital One Bank in Luling.


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