Destrehan Plantation fest back by ‘popular demand’

Back by popular demand, the Destrehan Plantation Annual Fall Festival is scheduled for a comeback in November of next year.

“We’re excited, but they need to give us a year,” said Nancy Robert, executive director of the River Road Historical Society that manages the plantation and site, of resuming the two-day festival that had become a 44-year tradition for St. Charles Parish and major fundraiser for the society. “We have things going on.”

Numerous projects are underway on the plantation site, which are part of the second year’s work outlined in a Master Plan Development. The first bed and breakfast cottage is under construction and should be completed soon with a second cottage planned for completion by end of the year.

Recently completed projects include a new welcome center and administrative center.

The society’s board of directors announced the festival would not resume until next year on Nov. 11 and 12.

In November, the society’s board announced the festival held that month would be its last to make way for growth and expansion. Robert said then it was the needed direction to either end the festival or replace it with smaller events because the parking area used by festival crafters and vendors would be lessened or taken up by the planned bed and breakfast cottages.


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