2017 Industry Guide: Monsanto focuses on empowering farmers to feed growing population

Monsanto is a global agriculture company focused on empowering farmers to feed a growing population.

Monsanto technologies help farmers produce more while using fewer natural resources. Monsanto Luling recently announced a expansion to manufacture a weed management product. The expansion will allow the plant to produce Dicamba for the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System designed to provide farmers with more consistent, flexible control of weeds, especially tough-to-manage and glyphosate-resistant weeds.

Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System has potential for use across more than 200 million acres of soybean and cotton production in the Americas and possibly corn production. The production of Dicamba at Monsanto’s Luling Plant is expected to play an important role in helping farmers produce better harvests and meet the global demand for food.

This project is part of Monsanto’s commitment to deliver innovative, sustainable agricultural products that have a positive effect on quality of life for farmers, rural communities and global society.Monsanto Luling’s Plan for Responsible ExpansionMonsanto is committed to producing all of the products it sells in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. The new Dicamba facility design includes comprehensive safeguards following Monsanto’s Process Safety and Risk Management programs as required by OSHA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

There are no nearby ecological, historical or archaeological sites or wetlands expected to be impacted. The chosen site has been in industrial use for decades and is therefore uniquely suited for this purpose. It has an existing half-mile buffer zone between the nearest residence and/or school. The complex has been engineered to comply with strict air, water and waste regulations and required permits to protect the environment and human health.

Monsanto maintains an active Emergency Response Plan and a trained Emergency Response Team. The Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Committee of Monsanto’s Board of Directors will monitor the project’s community safety, employee and community health, and environmental policy. Monsanto’s Trusted partnership with the Luling CommunityMonsanto has been a Luling partner since 1952, with more than 60 years of commitment to the community.

As a proud area employer, Monsanto has 650 employees and 250 contractors, with over $100 million in payroll.

Monsanto values corporate citizenship and is a strong supporter of local charities including United Way of St. Charles, Relay for Life, Junior Achievement, Teaching Responsible Earth Education, South Central Louisiana Technical College and Second Harvest Food Bank.

Monsanto is a member of the St. Charles Industrial Mutual Aid Association, the East Bank Mutual Aid Association, the Luling Volunteer Fire Department and the Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Monsanto is an active supporter of education and partner of local schools and job training programs.

Monsanto hosts an ongoing Community Advisory Panel composed of diverse community residents who engage with the company on the community’s perspectives and interests.


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