The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) has announced St. Charles Parish Public Schools as the recipient of 12 awards in its 2019 Publications and Digital Media Awards Contest.
The school system won three Awards of Merit for the 2018 Quality Profile (annual report), An Evening Under The Sea Teachers of the Year invitation (special purpose publication), and An Evening Under the Sea Teachers of the Year banquet (branding/image package).
Additionally, the district received nine Awards of Honorable Mention for its Triple “A” School District branding, Student Code of Conduct/Handbook, Back-To-School Brochure, The InBox, and several videos.
“’Open and honest communication builds trust’ is one of the official beliefs of St. Charles Parish Public Schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Ken Oertling. “The Public Information Department’s dedication to quality promotes two-way communication with our stakeholders, and these awards recognize their efforts and commitment.”
The school system’s Public Information Department staff members are members of the National School Public Relations Association and have been honored in the contest for quite a number of years. There were a total of 1,148 entries in this year’s contest.
Since 1935, the National School Public Relations Association has provided school communication training and services to school leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and the U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools
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