To the editor:
With gasoline nearly $3 a gallon, and probably going higher, now would be a good time to remove unnecessary stop signs at intersections throughout Norco. There is not one intersection in Norco that has enough traffic to warrant a 4-way stop sign. Installing 4-way stop signs in Norco was ridiculous at the time when it was done. Leaving them there at this time is foolish.
All stop signs facing east-west traffic and west-east traffic should be removed, except at the intersections at Apple Street and Goodhope Street. Traffic safety would not be compromised, while gasoline mileage would be increased, and wear and tear on engines, brake systems, transmissions, drive shafts and differentials would be reduced.
While the politicians in Washington are advancing any number of proposals to ease the pain of high gasoline prices in this election year, the politicians in St. Charles Parish could strike a blow to lessen the costs of driving for citizens.
John S. Perilloux
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