Simple step to help politicians lose weight

Recently, there have been a lot of media accounts of politicians and government bureaucrats abusing the taxpayers with government-issued credit cards.

We’re not talking about a few hundred dollars here and there; the abuse of taxpayer-funded credit cards could be in the tens of millions of dollars statewide.

Most, if not all, of the public servants issued credit cards make salaries of a sufficient amount that they can certainly wait a week or so to be reimbursed for expenses related to their jobs.

One of the greatest areas of credit card abuse is dining on the taxpayers’ dime. It has become a very costly secret perk.

Whenever one of these public servants is caught charging personal expenses on public credit cards, they claim they “accidentally used the wrong card.” Eliminating government credit cards prevent these public servants from “accidentally” using the wrong card.

According to the media reports, the standard fare at many of these taxpayer-funded meals seems to be steak and/or lobster with lots of side dishes. Brain food I suppose.

There are also a lot of “adult beverages” consumed at these “meetings.” According to the LA Attorney General such beverages cannot be legally paid for with taxpayers’ money, but often are, “accidentally” of course.

Considering the prevalence of these lavish meals there is little wonder our state ranks as one of the most obese states.

Some of these credit card toting public servants say they need to meet with constituents and at lunch is the only time that part-time, elected, officials have available.

It makes one wonder what their taxpayer-paid land-line and cell phones are used for, but I digress.

Regardless, most likely the constituent asked for the meeting. Surely, the constituent doesn’t expect the taxpayers to pay for the meal.

Public servants never seem to eat alone. It seems whenever it is mealtime and a constituent hasn’t asked to meet with them, public servants dine with another public servant and call it a “business meeting.”

One of the pubic servants pays the tab with out credit card that time and the other the next time. In the future “Go Dutch” with your own money.

Ask these questions when someone asks for your vote in this fall’s elections:

For incumbents:
Do you have a taxpayer-funded credit card?

If yes, considering the current financial conditions, will you give it up if reelected?

If no, will you make the charges on the credit card available to the public on a monthly basis?

For challengers:
Who pays for your meals each day?

If elected will you pay for your own meals?

If elected will you refuse to take a taxpayer-funded credit card?

If no, will you make the charges on the credit card available to the public on a monthly basis?

Help a politician lose weight; take their credit card away.


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