Obama vs. McCain – – who should you vote for?

Next week, we will elect a President of the United States for the next four years and it’s importance cannot be minimalized.

If it is Barack Obama, we undoubtedly will have more government in Washington and if it is John McCain it will remain somewhat the same, but hopefully, lessened with some of it siphoned off to the states where it belongs.

What McCain will do as President is more explicit. He will seek to keep the tax cuts Bush imposed in place whereas Obama intends to raise taxes on those who earn $250,000 or more and cut taxes on everyone else. How the latter is possible is not understandable when 40 percent of the citizens do not pay taxes.

On international affairs, McCain will continue to wage war in Iraq until  military commanders proclaim victory and pull troops out at their call. Obama wants a deadline for troops to remain and would send more troops to Afghanistan. Whether that is based on a military decision or not is not clear.

McCain favors immigration into this country and, after all, if it were not for immigration, most of us would not be citizens since our forefathers would not have been able to come here. God placed no boundaries on countries and it seems logical that people should be able to migrate for the betterment of themselves and the world. He is also for free trade which can be the biggest force in bringing wealth to other areas of the globe. Obama’s feelings on immigration and free trade have not been so clear.

Both want improved school systems and achievement of the “No Child Left Behind” doctrine. Obama favors more charter schools and McCain likewise but with the addition of using vouchers for education at private schools.

Both candidates are likeable guys. They seem sincere in wanting the best for the country. McCain has proven it more with his history as a Vietnam War hero and one of the more influential senators in Washington for many years. Obama, however, has yet to prove his allegiance to the flag under trying circumstances and has not gained the background knowledge which most likely will be needed by the next President. He is quite intelligent, however, and could learn it quickly.

McCain is pro-life and Obama goes the limit on the pro-choice side.

There you have it. Two very formidable candidates. So go to the polls Tuesday and vote for one of them – – or Ralph Nader or Ron Paul – – if you lean their way.

If McCain wins in Louisiana as expected and, as a result, all of the state’s electoral votes go to him, your vote for President will not count nearly as much as your votes for Senator, Congressman or public service commissioner and on the proposed constitutional amendments. Be sure you make them count.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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