Mah, dere’s a noo Presidunt in our footure

Next week at this time, we will have a new President, one that differs somewhat from our current President on what the goals and ideals of a federal government should be. But in some respects, they are on the same page.

Here are our views of what our objectives should be in the next four years. Mah, Presidunt-elec Barack Obama didn’t aks fo dem but dey are here fo his consideramation:

–It is okay to try and bail out our economy to a certain extent, so long as it benefits the country as a whole and not individual interests. And he should not continue this bailout any longer than absolutely necessary. Capitalism has a history of correcting itself when it makes mistakes. That is why it is so much more efficient than government.

–He should push for free and fair trade around the world. It will benefit the poorer countries by building up the opportunities for their trade. And it will insure a richer market that will be able to buy more from them which will  encourage democracy and freedom around the world.

–He should welcome an orderly form of legal immigration which will help people provide for themselves and others by moving to other countries and making themselves more productive in our society. Mah, had our couzin cajuns not been allowed to come to Loosiana frum Nova Scotia, our state would not be blessed with de good cookin and other tings ovah heah, shah. And look at how the hispanics have helped our state come out of our hurricane dilemmas with their hard work and perserverance.

–The federal government’s role should be primarily to preserve our safety and freedom. “States’ rights” were dirty words back when we were becoming an integrated nation but our state governments are closer to their people and more able to serve them. With individual states taking different approaches in serving its citizens, it gives us an opportunity to learn what works best. And, after all, what’s good in one state may not be so good in another. We do need federal laws that will preserve our freedom and democracy but we can turn over chores that can be done better by the states to their governments.

–Federal taxes should be cut drastically to allow states to tax for what they can do best. This will allow people to get a closer view of where their tax money is going. There is no reason why a taxpayer in Louisiana should pay for an orchid garden in the Everglades or a bridge to nowhere in Alaska. It’s called pork where much of our federal tax dollars go. That should be eliminated within the states also.

–Killing a human being that is still in the womb should be strongly discouraged by the federal government in spite of what the supreme court claims is a mother’s right. And the government certainly should not expend the people’s tax money to assist in it. A federal law that would allow states to enact legislation limiting it would allow the people to vote for their preferences.

–With three wars going on in the Mid-East, we should revue our military and diplomatic postures and determine just what is the best way to go in securing the earth as a peaceful planet. It seems that with so much communication through newspapers, the Internet, television and cell phones available between peoples around the world, it could be used as a valuable diplomatic tool in getting people on the side of peaceful coexistence. But we need a master plan. This is the most important job facing the new President.

–Obama must try to invoke bipartisanship into our political  process. It does us no good to decide issues strictly on which side the majority party leaders favor and how bad it makes the minority party look. Democrat Obama has done a good job so far in trying to create a bipartisanship climate in the nation. May he continue.

An ef our noo President don’t do some of dese tings, mah, we might decide to go back to Nova Scotia, yah . . . if dey’l let us immigrate back dere.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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