We will never fully comprehend the extent of the sacrifice God made by coming down to earth in such a concrete, tangible way, in human form.
Let us imagine for a moment what Jesus experienced before becoming enslaved in a human body. He was in a profound, ecstatic communion of life and love with our Heavenly Father, with no suffering and all bliss. He was totally free to roam the Universe and beyond, to use His authority and power in any way He so willed.
And yet, He chose to surrender it all in order to become human like us. “Though He was in the form of God, Jesus did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at. Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, and coming in the likeness of men…He humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:6-8)
So, again, imagine for a moment going from having full reign and rein of the Universe and beyond, in regards to dominion and physical space; to lowering Himself to enter the womb of a virgin – entering into a space so small, for nine months, and now under the authority of His creatures.
And why? Because of His love for us. The mystery of the Incarnation of Christ was God’s personal love letter to us His beloved. “And the Word became flesh (Jn 1:14).”
It is as though the Father was writing us a love letter with His own flesh and blood. Jesus has become a total self-gift. We are able to read this love letter by entering into His life here on earth, receiving His actions of love done for us personally. And, not only that; He eventually allows us to literally eat His love, taking Him deeply into ourselves in the Holy Eucharist, to draw us back to the Heaven from which He came.
But, for a moment, let us recognize why it was so important for Jesus to enter into a pure and holy womb.
As restricted and limited as He would be, can we imagine if, as well, that the creature to whom He was entrusted was not open to fulfilling the Divine plan of God, but, rather, chose her own will?
Many people do not realize how extremely important it is for us as Christians to seek to do God’s Will instead of our human will. And, many don’t realize that “God’s ways aren’t our ways” (Is55:6-9), so in order to do the Divine Will we must seek His will.
What if this creature in whose womb Jesus entered, was not fully given to the Divine Will as Mary was? (“Hail, full of grace” Lk 1:28) Mary reportedly revealed to one mystic, “I bound my human will to the foot of the throne of God, only to seek always the Divine Will.”
How intent are we in seeking God’s Divine Will in our lives over our human will? How many a woman today would have aborted Jesus because He didn’t fit in with their lifestyle or plan of life? How many would have thwarted God’s Divine plan of salvation somewhere along the way, because they had their own ideas as to what it should be or how it should go?
Yet Mary remained always in the stance of Divine “Fiat” (surrender) to the Will of God.
The Catholic Church celebrates a solemn eight day Octave from Dec. 25-Jan 1, where each day is celebrated as Christmas Day. And this, because the Mystery of the Incarnation of Christ is so important for us to contemplate.
May we each be encouraged to enter personally into this profound Christmas Mystery.
May we each have the grace to open Our Father’s love letter of Christ, the “Word made flesh”, and receive Him deeply into our Hearts and lives, as Mary did. And, let us remember, as with Mary, the only way we can keep Jesus in our hearts without aborting Him, is by remaining in the stance that she did — “be it done unto me according to Your [will]”(Lk1:38).
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