Childhood obesity one of most serious problems

By Harold Keller

We hear it from the medical profession, the insurance industry, and see the evidence in our communities that people today are living longer. What never follows those findings is that people who take care of themselves live longer.

We are continually warned that the abuse of alcohol, the use of tobacco, and the lack of exercise will take years off of your life.

One of the most serious and growing problem in America is childhood obesity.  It leads to a multitude of lifelong health problems, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.

According to an article by Dr. Colin A. Bailey in Healthpoint, a River Parish Hospital newsletter, obese and overweight children have tripled since 1980.  Dr. Bailey sites poor nutrition and lack of exercise as two leading causes of childhood obesity.  He suggests that we change our health habits.  Turn off the television and encourage your child to exercise daily and stay away from junk food.

In the New Orleans area, we take pride in saying we don’t eat to live; we live to eat.  Maybe that’s the reason, according to a recent survey, that Louisiana has one of the highest percentages (approximately 30%) of obese adults.

Many people take better care of their houses and cars than their own bodies.  If our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, doesn’t it make sense that we take better care of God’s temple?

The Bible says that a person without discipline is like a city without walls, which means that anything can enter and destroy it.  With self-discipline, we can build a wall that will protect our bodies from being destroyed at an early age.

If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail:


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