Big problem ahead for next president

Our next President may have a major problem. It could perhaps be somewhat like the problem George W. Bush faced soon after he assumed the chief executive slot.

It is Iran. The prime minister of that country claims he wants to destroy Israel. And his country is believed to be developing an atomic bomb that could do it.

Having an atomic power that wants to eliminate friendly, democratic countries would indeed be somewhat like Bush faced when 9/11 came about.

With the Iran leader’s attitude toward us, he might well direct his second atomic bomb our way. So what should we do to be prepared for such possibilities?

Many criticized President Bush for invading Iraq believing they had weapons of mass destruction. But his main purpose there was to insert a measure of freedom and democracy into the mid-east that may convert that area of the world. After all, other countries possess atomic weapons but are not considered a threat to us. Iran is.

Located in a region of terrorists that do not recognize thevalue of life, Iran could put the entire world at risk with its weapons..

We will not know definitely how our new president will react to Iran until he assumes office. It is well to consider how he might, however, when we go to the voting booths this fall.

Why have a Black Mayors’ Conference?

We thought mayor was the name of the chief administrative officer of a city. So what is a “Black Mayor?”
Is he a mayor for just the black people? Or is he a mayor who happens to be black?

The annual National Conference of Black Mayors was held in New Orleans last week. Undoubtedly they discussed problems in cities with large black populations which would include more impoverished people than white populations. But white mayors should confront the same problems.

So why limit the group’s membership to black mayors? Why not call it the Conference of Mayors?

We understand why there should not be a Conference of White Mayors. That would include only mayors belonging to the race that kept slavery and segregation and discrimination alive for so many years.

But many of those same whites worked hard to eliminate those evils. It would be good to keep them working the same way to get rid of all vestiges of that unholy past.

There are many good mayors who are black, such as the one in Baton Rouge and we’ll throw in New Orleans, though many will disagree with us in the latter case. But he has been confronted with many Katrina problems. He has been honest and above board and has done some good things.

So it’s time for the mayors who are black to write the finale of their organization and get to work on all of the good things that mayors of cities should do for all of their constituents. That is why they were elected.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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