Bad news about our shrinking coast

For 10 years now, Louisiana citizens have had to envision the destruction of their valuable coastal lands from consumption by the Gulf of Mexico. That has been one of the outlooks as the coastal waters rise to engulf our seashore more and more.

Of course, that is the worst case scenario concerning the effects possible from sea level rise and subsidence, and as it appears to be at the present time.

Hopefully, it will not be that bad, but it could happen and, in case it does, it’s time to start putting into more practice efforts to lessen these effects to our land, as well as to figure out ways to keep it as safe as possible from the elements of sea level rise, hurricanes, production of minerals and other possible causes of destruction.

It is time to give our land all the help we can.

Adding to the seriousness of the prediction is that it is possible the sea-level rise could go up 1.48 feet and the National Climate Assessment estimates sea level coasts along the U. S. could increase 4 feet by year 2100. Thankfully, these are not definitely determined estimates, but they do give us a feeling for the possibilities that exist if Mother Nature takes the wrong turn. And, hopefully, things will get better for our fabulous coast.

Having such alarming figures before us, however, should make us more eager to put into effect plans made back in 2012 from the possibility of losing 2,800 square miles of Gulf coast. In fact, we should further develop efforts that can give us an even better shot at growing new land to replace, not only what is lost, but also to add new land to our overall coast.

Our coast that has produced so much for our over-all well being. And it gives us a serious picture of what our future could be like, one that is not struck with the riches we have enjoyed so much in the past.

Above all, we have to aim for the future and not hesitate on moving on with improvements that will stop the coastline from disappearing at all and will, instead, move on to adding on to the land that has been one of the most productive coasts in the world today. And we have to keep that in the mind of our public officials who hold the keys to the energy and other resources that will make the Pelican state the way we want it to be in the future.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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